
Gem. Dringlichkeitsantrag der GRÜNE, SPD und DIE LINKE-Fraktion betr. Schlachthofstraße

Gemeinsamer Antrag

Letzte Beratung: 25.02.2025 Bezirksversammlung Harburg Ö 2.2


Dear Community Leaders and Authorities,

We write with hearts shattered by the daily torment endured by those forced to call our camp home. Every day, under skies that should promise hope, our fellow human beings suffer in silence, their pain echoing in every cold, creaking shelter. In a place where even the most basic acts of care—access to clean water, nourishing food, and the healing touch of proper healthcare—are cruelly denied, our community’s dignity is eroded, drop by painful drop.

Imagine a mother, her eyes brimming with unshed tears as she cradles her feverish child in a cramped tent, shivering from the absence of warm water and gentle heat. Picture the weary faces of elders, whose once-bright eyes now mirror endless despair, their spirits battered by the relentless indifference to their suffering. In these stark, heart-wrenching moments, the very soul of our community cries out for the compassion that has been so callously withheld.

We, the migrants at the Schlachthofstraße 3 camp, are not emboldened by defiance alone but by the desperate need to be seen, heard, and treated with the respect every human being deserves. The bitter reality of our everyday existence is punctuated by a scarcity of power—both literally, with insufficient electrical outlets to connect us to a world that feels increasingly distant, and figuratively, as our voices are stifled by callous authority and even those who once pledged to help, such as certain Red Cross employees, who now meet us with rudeness instead of empathy.

Tomorrow at 10:15 AM, in front of the social services office, we will stand together—not as rebels, but as souls in mourning for the humanity that has been stripped from us. If our heartfelt pleas are ignored, we are prepared to embark on an open hunger strike—a final, desperate act to awaken the conscience of a society that has allowed our suffering to continue unchecked.

This is not a cry for confrontation; it is a plea from the depths of hearts burdened by endless sorrow. We beg you to listen, to see the tears that stain our days, and to act now. Let our pain be the catalyst for change, and may compassion replace neglect, restoring the dignity that every person in this camp so desperately deserves.

With a heavy heart and unyielding hope,

Home Seeker
[Schlachthofstraße 3, 21079 Hamburg]

Dieses Schreiben der Bewohner*innen der Unterkunft Schlachthofstrasse ist ein emotionaler Appell an Verwaltung und Behörde, welches die täglichen Qualen der Migranten im Lager Schlachthofstraße 3 beschreibt. Es stellt heraus, dass die grundlegenden Bedürfnisse wie Zugang zu sauberem Wasser, nahrhaftem Essen und angemessener Gesundheitsversorgung verweigert werden.

Die Menschen vor Ort fordern, gesehen, gehört und mit Respekt behandelt zu werden - und wir sagen: das verdienen sie auch! Die Würde des Menschen ist und bleibt unantastbar.


Der Vorsitzende der Bezirksversammlung wird gebeten, mit der Behörde für Arbeit, Gesundheit, Soziales, Familie und Integration sowie Vertreter*innen des DRK schnellstmöglich für die Mitglieder:innen des Ausschusses für Soziales, Integration, Gesundheit und Inklusion einen Besichtigungstermin der Unterkunft Schlachthofstrasse zu vereinbaren.

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